email-etiquette-1-638People treat email very casually, says corporate trainer Paula Goebel, but in the workplace, “Your credibility, professionalism and competence will be judged based on how you communicate online.” Be perceived as a professional by following these tips from Goebel.

Be concise. Longer messages are difficult to read, and most people will put them aside.

Avoid sarcasm and too much humor. It can come across as rude or abrupt because the recipient can’t gauge your body language.

Use a descriptive subject line that’s no more than four to five words. Avoid important and urgent.

Don’t send an email when emotional or angry. Sit on it for 24 hours.

Avoid emoticons or textese. This should be reserved for personal email.

Remember, email is not private. Don’t put anything in email that you wouldn’t “want the whole world to know about.”
