Unless your town is so small that all residents are already aware of every business located there, make 2019 the year you put the Internet to work for you and your business. What goals have you set for your business for 2019? How will you measure success? What tools and resources will you use to get there? These are just a few of the questions you should be asking yourself and your team to ensure that your business is poised for success in the new year.
Try these tips for growth in the new year:
- Dig deeply into the Buy Local movement by reading The Local SEO’s Guide to the Buy Local Phenomenon. Even if you see yourself as a merchant today, you can re-envision your role as a community advocate, improving the quality of life for your entire town.
- Expand your vision of excellent customer service to include the reality that your customers are all on the Internet part of everyday looking for solutions to their problems. A combination of on-and-offline customer service is your key to becoming the problem-solver that wins lucrative, loyal patrons. Read What the Local Customer Service Ecosystem Looks Like in 2019.
- Not sure where to begin learning about local search marketing on the web? First, check out Moz’s free Local SEO Learning Centerwith articles written for the beginner to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts. Then, start following the recognized leaders in this form of marketing to keep pace with new developments and opportunities as they arise. Make a new year’s resolution to devote just 15 minutes a day, 5 days a week, to learning more about marketing your small local business. By the end of a single year, you will have become a serious force for promotion of your company and the community it serves.