The start of a new year provides the perfect opportunity for business owners to set new goals and find unique ways to improve their operations. There are plenty of different options for your 2020 resolutions, from shoring up your finances to organizing your online presence. Here are some suggestions and tips from members of the online small business community.

  1. Take business compliance seriously.  Noncompliance can have major negative consequences for businesses. If you’ve been neglecting this area or if you know there are areas of your operations that aren’t compliant, it’s important to rectify those issues as quickly as possible
  2. Learn how to use Hashtags on LinkedIn.  If you’re not making the most of your social media presence currently, it could be because you’re not well versed in the features and abilities of the platforms that you use. For instance, many business owners don’t understand how to optimize LinkedIn content with hashtags. Learn more in this Strella Social Media post by Rachel Strella. Then see what BizSugar members are saying about the post here.
  3. Create a compelling visual board.  Visuals can make a major impact on your marketing. But many businesses overlook some aspects of visual branding. This CrowdSpring post by Katie Lundin includes a visual branding guide for restaurants. But many of the tips could also be applicable for other types of businesses as well.